The Congress

XII WAP Congress in Buenos Aires *

In view of the health crisis and its observable consequences, the WAP Bureau, together with the WAP Council, has decided to cancel the 12th Congress in Buenos Aires.

Should that stop us from dreaming? No! The pandemic, and the gravity that surrounds it, won’t deter the WAP.

The upcoming WAP Congress will be held in April 2022, in Paris. It will embrace discussions on the works produced for the Congress which should have taken place in Buenos Aires, and will hence be named Congress 12/13.

We would like to thank you in advance for showing unconditional support for the upcoming Congress and we would also like to inform you that the 2020 inscriptions will be valid for 2022!

* If you prefer, you can request a refund of your registration fee, writing to [email protected]. In order to be processed, all refund requests must be submitted before December 23, 2020.