Traumdeutung | Inventory

Loose legs, tied hands

María Cristina Giraldo [1]

“I dream that my analyst sits on the edge of the couch on which I am lying and falls backwards, with the full weight of her body, over my legs. Loose legs, tied hands. The parts of my body affected by the traumatism of lalangue and by the maternal ravage. They will not be the only ones. In another part of the dream, I show my analyst a School that is under construction. As in some Greek tragedies, supplicants raise their voice to the heights, to an aphonic Other. Neither my analyst nor I respond from the place of that Other.”[2]

This interpreter-dream, three years before the end, shows the pillars of what will be the embodied logic[3] of the end of my analysis. The analyst who awakens the fundamental symptom by falling over the part of the body affected by the trou-matisme[4], hole of meaning, navel of the dream. At the same time, the transferential unconscious and the act in the place of a saying, knotted to the body of the analyst. An inconsistent Other that announces the No One-Anymore of the Being of identification for the Other, of the real unconscious, not being in the place of the supplicant that gives consistency with the jouissense of their fundamental fantasy to the Other of the ravage, rather the relationship with a silent Other who is not a guarantor: S( A/ ).

During my testimonial work, I investigated how I became an analyst from the experience of my own analysis knotted to my experience of School. In my formation, the Pass is the fourth knot that ties the clinic of my end of analysis to the episteme and to politics.

Not responding from the Other's place means bordering the hole of not knowing what an analyst is, which transformed my position in the practice and led me towards the control of the act. A sprain in the voice dislocates the jouissense of the fundamental fantasy of my sinthomatic arrangement with A real.

Translated by Lorena Hojman. Revised by Isabel Aguirre.


  1. AMS of the WAP and of NEL-Medellin, AS (April 2016-April 2019).
  2. The opaque voice. First Testimony IX Study Days of the NEL and XXV Study Days of EOL, 2016.
  3. Expression from Leonardo Gorostiza.
  4. TN: ‘Trou’ is the French word for hole, so troumatisme is a pun on trauma being the encounter with a hole.