The BIBLIO that we publish here is the result of a large teamwork of the Schools of the WAP on the theme of the Congress that calls us together: “Dream. Its Interpretation and Use in Lacanian Treatment”.
In the research we emphasized the use of the dream by both the psychoanalyst and the analysand.
An extensive subject and a research that did not attempt to cover this broad scope but rather locate this trait in the texts of the five languages of the WAP.
The diversity of languages shows that the selection of references and quotations do not always coincide. There is diversity within the framework of a shared organizational modality.
We wanted, from the beginning, that the bibliography presented here, could be used by the participants of the Congress as well as by all those interested in the subject. Therefore we work intensively so it could be published well in advance.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to the team that accompanied me in this task throughout these months, which with the best willingness and enthusiasm, made possible for us to work with joy.
Marisa Chamizo
Bibliography Responsible XII WAP Congress