In this section, AEs of different periods will be invited to transmit to us the place their dreams have had in their analysis, what use they have made of them and what place they have after the end of analysis.
E’ nell’ottobre del 1969 che Jacques Lacan indirizza Due note sul bambino[1]alla psicoanalista francese Jenny Aubry...
Le arrebaté el título de novela negra a Raymond Chandler, justo donde presenta, en 1939, a su inolvidable detective: Philip Marlowe. Personaje sarcástico, es conocido por ser la voz del autor criticando a la sociedad de su época...
A mark of my "malady of identity" (one of the names I gave to my case in the transmission to the passers) was the almost total absence of slips, especially of lapsus linguae, during the many years that my analysis lasted...
“I dream that my analyst sits on the edge of the couch on which I am lying and falls backwards, with the full weight of her body, over my legs. Loose legs, tied hands..."
Releyendo el primer testimonio de AE (2013), publicado recientemente en el libro “Ensamblajes y Piezas sueltas”[1] me doy cuenta de las numerosas referencias a los sueños.
Of dreams, in an analysis, we only have babbles. Even the most florid narrative, it's just babbling that tries to cover how unspeakable the dream is.
I've always said yes! A yes not to say no. A yes to the Other to soften it, to avoid it, to not confront it.
“A cena do sonho revela duas meninas pequenas apavoradas, aguardando a certa distância que a confraria das babás, todas feias, com risos exagerados, sentadas em volta do fogo, terminem de preparar um feitiço, para amaldiçoá-las.”...
Una successione di tre sogni preannuncerà la fine della mia analisi. L’inconscio mostra - con essi -come l’operazione analitica abbia prodotto degli effetti sul parlêtre, ma sarà l’uso che ne farà l’analizzante, con la sua interpretazion...
The end of analysis does not suture the fault that the unconscious is. After the dissolution of transference, which signals the end of analysis and entails a deflation of the transferential unconscious...
Después del largo recorrido analítico que realicé, puedo confesar que siempre he sido una gran soñadora, una soñadora pragmática ciertamente, pero una soñadora. La fórmula del final de mi análisis lo testimonia bien. Nada mejor que "Yo espero al Ausente" para soñar.
Llegué a Paris al atardecer para continuar con las entrevistas preliminares. En la demanda había un cierto problema con el saber...